We don't want to beat around the bush, Coronavirus has had a devastating impact for many, and it would be callous to ignore that.
It is of the utmost importance that we continue to take this situation very seriously.
But that doesn't mean we're not allowed to smile.
We've compiled a list of more lighthearted isolation and work-from-home tips, not to undermine the situation, but just to bring a few minutes of comic relief to your day. All directly from the Bliss team!
This communication guide is part of our Content Hub on how businesses can proceed with digital marketing during this period. Bliss is pooling our 10 years of industry experience to create these free and informative guides to help you with weekly updates.
27 Top Tips to Make You Smile
- Make your peace with Branston beans - they can’t be that bad
- If you usually eat lunch with somebody or a group, arrange a virtual lunch break and catch up together
- Stock up on plastics cups, in case you have breakages!
- In a house with multiple people working, set up a dedicated group chat for taking turns to make tea
- Working from Home is a great opportunity to go back to having some staple British cuisine. For example, I had this for lunch yesterday:
- Experience interactive cooking classes from chefs around the globe —in the comfort of your own kitchen - pay/donate as much or as little as you want
- The National Theatre is streaming a production every Thursday, available for a week
- More of a musicals fan? Andrew Lloyd Webber is releasing recordings of his shows too, on Fridays (for only 48 hours)
- More of a YouTube fan? Enjoy some Coronavirus-inspired musical classics:
- Befriend a house plant to prevent loneliness
- Don't sit facing a window. You'll just want to go and play out
- Every morning I try to take 10 minutes, maybe walking round the garden if the weather is nice, or with a cup of coffee. It's important I have some time just for myself, away from WfH and looking after my kids
- Open the windows for a bit to get in enough fresh air
- Treat pets like your co-workers! Regular high fives and fist pumps
- Or, get your pets to do silly tricks for treats
No dogs were harmed in the making of Brian's GIF
- Have some time away from the screens and relax - meditate, stretch or flex but keep calm and carry on!
- Dust off your Wii and thrash the kids at Wii Tennis.
- Keeping active can be difficult. So anything with bodyweight is good, pushups, situps, squats and if you can pullups. I tried to play badminton indoors today but I got criticised as my ceilings were too low
- Don’t forget to take regular dance breaks for boosting your mood and fitness
- Encourage your kids to exercise by scattering Pringles on the trampoline
- Now is the perfect time to set up the ultimate Rube Goldberg Machine. It'll take all day to set up, film, get wrong, re-set up, film, (repeat) but hey, you might get a viral video out of it!
- If you can get your hands on a switch, it is a worthy investment. Mario Kart is his classic game of choice which is easy for anyone to pick up!
- Learn to play the drums as well as this weatherman! (He's self-taught too!
) - Take part in the Getty Museum challenge to recreate famous works of art with items you already own
- Rave at home at the Hacienda House Party with 1.5 million others! Next one is on the 9th May
- Have the right playlist on! I love: Feelin' Good – feel good with a positively timeless playlist and 90s Hip Hop – real rap music from the golden era.
- If you want something a bit quieter... Check out our list of great podcasts
- Do not ‘improvise’ toilet roll if at all avoidable
Did our list make you smile? We hope so!
With so much going on, it can be difficult to remember to pause and relax sometimes, but your mental health and mood are important too.
We will be adding to this list, with your suggestions and more from ourselves, over the coming months. So please feel free to send us any of the things which have made you smile!
Check out our full Content Hub for advice, best practice and ideas on how businesses can proceed with digital marketing during the Coronavirus period.
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